Core readings:
- Langlois, R. and Robertson, P. L. (1992) Networks and innovation in a modular system: lessons from the microcomputer and stereo component industries, Research Policy, 21 (4), 297-313.*
- Sturgeon, T.J. (2002) Modular production networks: a new American model of industrial organisation, Industrial and Corporate Change, 11 (3), pp. 451-496.
- Langlois, R. (2002) Computers and semiconductors in Steil, B., Victor, D. and Nelson, R. (eds.) Technological Innovation and Economic Performance, New Jersey, Princeton.
- Baldwin, C. Y. and K. B. Clark (1997) Managing in an Age of Modularity, Harvard Business Review, 75(5), 84-93.
You must use the presentation provided to answer the question as the essay is based on the presentation and use external sources which must be only academic references.
It is vital that you build on the presentation and bring in new material as well as using the presentation material.