Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 4 and 5:
On completion of this assessment students should be able to:
- Explain the basic types and components of data communications networks;
- ;
- Outline the World Wide Web and its applications;
- Analyse and evaluate emerging data communications technologies.
Assessment 2 – Chapter summary
When summarising the topics covered in each chapter the emphasis in on documenting in your own words the material covered. This summary may prove to be a useful tool for later revision. Try to write your summary as soon as possible after each class.
Task Details
On a weekly basis, from Week 1 to Week 8 inclusive, summarise the main topics covered in each chapter.
Your summary should cover in some detail each topic discussed during each weeks class and should include diagrams where appropriate.
Your summary must include a cover page, page numbers and index, listing each week’s chapter and topics covered.
Submission Instructions:
This assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Word or written to a PDF file. The diagrams must be electronically produced in MS Word. If you use any other product for the diagrams, write the diagrams to an image and insert the image into your MS Word assignment. Only one document is to be submitted inclusive of all diagrams and text. Assignments not in the specified electronic format will not be marked (as they cannot be opened and read).
- Additionally, students need to ensure that the file they upload is not corrupt and does not contain malware. A corrupt document, or a document submitted with a virus cannot be opened, and therefore cannot be marked. A mark of zero will therefore be awarded the assignment. Please verify that you have uploaded the correct file.
Submission Requirements
- Type your assignment in Microsoft Word or write it to a PDF document if you use any other text editing package. Upload your electronic file of your assignment up to the Moodle portal.
- Only upload one document, inclusive of all images, tables and references. No compression is required, however if it speeds up your uploading of the document, then you may zip the file.
- Name your file as follows: Unitcode _StudentID_ Surname.doc
For example: CSG1105D_AWAWA03_SMITH.doc.
Late Submission:
If a student is unable to submit a within-semester assessment task (i.e. assignment) on or by the due date, the penalty will be 5% per working day. The mark will be zero after 5 working days.
An exception may be granted if the student provides an Explained Absence form together with…
- Medical certificate (signed by lecturer and given to the Welcome Centre by student), or
- Written explanation (signed by lecturer and given to the Welcome Centre by student), in the case of personal circumstances which have the potential to significantly affect the performance of the student.
Evidence must be submitted within 3 days (or at the next scheduled class if the lecturer is not available – an email to the lecturer is also recommended).