This is a graded discussion. First, post your response to one of the the discussion prompts to the forum. Make sure to articulate your ideas carefully, and write about 150-200 words (you can always write more, but I will generally provide a minimum number of words). Once you have posted your response, you will be able to see your peers’ responses. Now, respond to at least two of your classmates’ comments; tell them where you may have points of agreement/disagreement with them. However, your responses must be to a prompt that is different from your own. Keep in mind, I am asking you to engage with your peers in a discussion. If a classmate leaves a response for you, feel free to respond in turn. Always make sure you base your ideas on the text and use direct quotes to support your assertions.

Discussion Prompt

This is a very broad prompt to give the greatest possible latitude in your discussion: discuss the character of Mother Courage.

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