Introduction to the organisation/company. Do some background research on the organisation/company (e.g., you can use the company’s website and IBISWorld through the UniSA library website) and provide a brief background about the company’s history, its main business functions, its position in the market compared to competitors and other significant information (e.g., research and development, innovations, etc.). ½ page 15 marks
2. Challenges in Enterprise Resource Planning
Select at least three departments in the chosen organisation/company and describe the need for horizontal and vertical integration. The more specific you are to the organisation the more marks you receive, i.e., what you discuss in this discussion is mainly applicable to this organisation/company not others. For example, simply repeating general content from the lecture will not give you full marks. Describe potential business processes within and across the departments and describe challenges in implementing them. Note that you should not discuss any solutions here, only problems and challenges. ½ page 15 marks
3. Benefits of Implementing an ERP System
Based on the challenges identified in the previous section, describe what are the benefits of an ERP system and how it can help to address the challenges and/or problems identified. The discussion should be specific to the identified challenges and/or problems in order to receive full marks. Explaining generic benefits discussed in the course alone is not sufficient. ½ page 15 marks
4. Benefits of Applying Business Intelligence
Discuss the application of BI in combination with an ERP system within the chosen organisation/company. Focus on one department only and describe how BI could benefit the department, how BI could use data from an ERP system and how results of BI could be presented to end users in the chosen department. ½ page 15 marks
5. Conclusion
Write a brief conclusion to summarise the report and provide an outlook. 3-4 sentences 2 marks