Question 1
Every organisation has its own culture that is reflected in the way it operates. Discuss some of the cultural issues within an organisation that may impact on you as an ICT professional.
Write 100-200 words in answer to this.
Question 2
In Assignment 1, you are asked to choose either the MacDonald or White Framework to analyse the scenarios
State your reasons for choosing either the MacDonald or White method to analyse your case study with reference to the particular case study you have selected.
Write 100-200 words to explain your choice. There is no need to discuss this question further with your classmates.
Question 3
What do you understand by the term ‘conflict of interest’? Give an example of a situation where you might experience a conflict of interest and discuss how you might deal with this ethically and legally.
Write 150-250 words to answer this question.
Question 4
Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework? Some clues as to its existence might be that there is a Corporate Governance or IT Governance policy document; the corporate intranet might contain references to governance. Structures may exist, at higher levels that are the decision making bodies and which control activities in the company for all levels through delegated authority.
Describe your findings and compare them with those of at least 2 other classmates.
Write approx 250 words in your initial answer to this.
(I’m not currently in an internship, so you might have to review the IT Governance Framework of the University of Newcastle which is stated below )
Note: smaller companies may not have such evidence in which case you should describe the process that exists to ensure efficiency, control and value as well as accountability and responsibility.
OR if you are not in a current internship, you should review the IT Governance Framework of the University of Newcastle and write a brief summary of how you see IT Governance operations with this organisation.
Question 5
All work situations require us to be aware of and comply with current laws and regulations. ICT professionals should be familiar with a number of laws including those that relate to Workplace Health and Safety, Privacy, security of information, Copyright and Intellectual Property and Consumer Protection.
Write 150-250 words to answer this question.
Select one of these areas and write a brief description on a situation in your internship or previous work where you have complied with current legislation in fulfilling an ICT task.
(No current internship, so please make up something like previous work)