You have been engaged by SkyMall to write a report that will be submitted to the CIO for deliberation.
Your report should address the following:
1. Explain the definition of big data (as a technology); and
2. Investigate how big data applications can be adopted in SkyMall. Your report should propose big
data applications that address any three of the four responsibilities of SkyMall; it should also
address the ways that big data can be used by SkyMall to compete with other online retail
platforms that specialise in particular regions or countries;
3. Discuss the ethical issues, if any at all, in the two solutions proposed above. Your discussion
should apply either of the following two ethical positions: consequences-of-actions position or
virtues position;
4. Discuss privacy, and social issues of the potential big data applications for SkyMall;
5. Make three recommendations as to how SkyMall can leverage big data in their business.
You have to complete this investigation and write a report for the CIO in the next four weeks. Since this
is an initial investigation, the report should not contain in-depth technical details.

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