You must submit a 5 minute video answering all of the below questions. Please note you will not be marked on the quality of the filming, however you will be marked on your verbal delivery. You will be marked on the below criteria: 1. Clarity of delivery: Ensure you speak slowly and calmly for all questions. If you cannot be understood then you will not receive any marks. 2. All questions are answered with critical thinking and reflection: Ensure that all of the below questions are answered and you have done so with critical reflection. 3. Time length: you must adhere to the required 5 minutes in total. Required questions: 1. Discuss one professional skill outlined by your interviewee as necessary for success in your chosen industry and why it’s important 2. Discuss what have you learnt about yourself while working in a team – please outline something that you need to work on based on this experience. 3. Explain what you will do to improve the skills needed to obtain your career goals, including what you will do next in your career. 4. Outline one major learning you have had during the process of undertaking the unit this semester. Please focus specifically on what you could have done to pass the unit and how this reflection might help you in the future.


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