The purpose of this essay is a. Introduce you to primary sources and their relationship to secondary literature.b.Introduce you to the study of iconography.
Compare and contrast the material found in source 1 “History of Italian Rennaisance art” Frederick hartt and David Wilkins 5th ed.pages 535-551 and the primary sources 2a Michelangelo’s letter to Giovanni Francesco Fatucci in ” In Michelangelo: The sistine Chapel Ceiling,by Charles Seymour Jr. pages 110-113 and source 2b Condivi Ascanio “From the Vita di Michelangelo in “In Michelangelo the Sistine Chapel Ceiling pages 113-121.
Source 2c “Excerpts from Genesis “In Michelangelo;The Sistine Chapel Ceiling pages 121-132