Question One (30 Marks)

a)Clearly distinguish between economic development and economic growth.(6 marks)

b)Briefly discuss six reasons why GDP per capita has not been perceived as a perfect indicator of economic development. (6 marks)

c)Outline and briefly explain any four tools of Keynesian theory of economic development. (6 marks)

d)Briefly explain the basic needs strategy of economic development (6 marks)

e)What are the pre-requisites for economic transformation to take place in an economy? (6 marks)


a)Foreign exchange constraints has been widely considered as one of the main causes of underdevelopment.Discuss. (10 marks)

b)Briefly discuss the five main assuption of Keynesian theory of economic development (10 mark)


a)How has Arthur Lewis explained the emergence of industrial society from an agrarian economy.Can this model be used to explain industrial development? (10 marks)

b)Describe the necessary pre-requisites to accelerate the process of Economic development in a developing country. (10 marks)


a)Explain the nature and role of entreprenuership and technology as a means of achieving rapid economic growth development in your country. (10 marks)

b)Discuss the limitatins of Marxist theory of development. (10 marks)


a)Corruption is a major hinderance to economic growth and development in less developed countries.Discuss. (10 marks)

b)Explain the role of Agricultural Sector in the economic development . (10 marks)




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