Assignment 1
This week, you need to work on the Logical Modeling Design and to specify the entries, columns and their relationship. Use an entity-relationship ER diagram to visualize the database.
Your schema should include some attributes that make it possible to include some transactions that involve aggregate functions. For example, a school schema would allow for queries to calculate enrollment in each section of the average enrollment in courses for a given department, or the total courses being taught by each instructor, etc. This should also make interesting constraints and triggers possible. Review this basic example of a requirements document and Conceptual Data Model Click for more options.
Turn your ER diagram into a normalized relational database design for the (subset of the) domain (i.e. a set of tables, each with appropriate attributes, a primary key, and appropriate foreign keys. The database should be based on the ER diagram, but one-to-one and one-to-many relationships may be implemented by appropriate attributes in the “one” entity, rather than as separate tables. Your relational database must be at least in 3NF. Remember to determine the cardinality of the relationships. You may want to decide on cardinality when you are creating an Entity–relationship diagram ERD relationship table
Assignment 2
What did you accomplish this week? How has what you are learning in your current course assisted with this?
What did you apply and how did you apply it?
Were there problems encountered with job assignments or your work environment? What were your efforts towards resolution?
Directly connect course related content to this week’s experiences at work.