Assignment Overview
Select a topic from the topic list at the end of this document. Research your topic and write a report analysing the technical, social, legal aspects. For each topic your report will need to identify problems (or crimes) that may occur then recommend actions that can be taken to prevent the problem from occurring, identify the problem has occurred, what steps can be taken to remedy the problem, and what actions can be taken towards the perpetrators of the problem. Reference original laws (e.g. common law) or court cases. Provide all references (Journals, web links, etc). Where possible, identify all laws applicable in each region (Australian-Pacific, Europe, America, and Asia).
Your final report must include the following:
- Assignment Cover Page: (Use the cover sheet provided. Include the Title,
- Assignment number, Student Names and IDs, Subject)
- Title page (Name of report who it is prepared for, and authors)
- Executive summary (1 paragraph)
- Table of contents
- Body (Numerous headings and texts needed for the paper. Use the marking criteria and topic questions to help identify these headings)
- References/ Bibliography (must be in Harvard style)
Week 2: Topic Chosen (No two students do the same topic)
Week 5: Progress Report – some references you intend to use, definition/description (MOODLE) – 5 marks.
Week 8-9 Oral presentations (Date appointed to each student)
Week 9: Draft Report – Report structure defined, main topics and subtopics listed, major points of each topic , some with text, at least 10 references listed (MOODLE) – 5 marks
Week 12: Final Report (TurnItIn) – 50 marks
See MOODLE for the exact dates and times.