Indigenous health

Indigenous Health for Health Sciences 2022 AE2: Essay 1 Assessment Exercise

2: Essay INSTRUCTIONS Due 4pm Thursday, week 11 1800 words maximum Scope

This assessment exercise provides you with an opportunity to further develop your knowledge and understanding of the social determinants of health. It also provides an opportunity to critically apply learning from Module 2 to your assigned case study. Task Choose one of the key social determinants discussed in Module 2 (colonisation, policy, or racism) relevant to your case study. Provide a critical discussion of how this determinant has impacted the health and wellbeing of the person in the case study, and how cultural safety principles could be applied to improve health and wellbeing outcomes. Outline The following provides a brief outline of what should be included in the discussion, with approximate words counts indicated. Introduction – Summary (key issues, concepts, and information to be covered in the essay) – Thesis statement (indicate what will be discussed in the essay) 150 words Essay body Social determinant and impact on health – define and describe your chosen social determinant – examples of how the social determinant has affected the health and wellbeing of the person in the case study – discuss how this relates to the broader literature 1000 words Apply cultural safety principles to the case study – identify and discuss cultural safety principles relevant to the case – discuss how they might improve health and wellbeing outcomes 500 words Conclusion – Synthesis (draw together the main points of your essay body) – Concluding statement 150 words HLTH1012 Indigenous Health for Health Sciences 2022 AE2: Essay 2 AE2 relates to the following topic Learning Outcomes: LO1 Use a strengths-based and respectful vocabulary to engage with and accurately describe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, and health. LO3 Critically discuss the social determinants of Indigenous health and their impacts on individuals, families, and communities. LO4 Articulate an understanding of cultural safety as an organising framework for person-centred health care. LO5 Apply cultural capabilities within a cultural safety framework. Submission requirements Due date 4pm Thursday, week 11 Word count Maximum of 1800 words including in-text references and sub-headings. Word count does not include student information, assignment title, or reference list. You can include tables, graphs, or figures if they are appropriate and necessary to your discussion. Text associated with tables, graphs, or figures (including titles and notes) is not included in the word count. Content A template has been provided for you to use – please include relevant information where indicated, including:

• student name and number at the top of the first page, and in the footer of the document.

• title of essay

• reference list Formatting

• 12pt Calibri, 10pt Arial, or 12pt Times New Roman font.

• 1.5 spacing for all written text, including reference list. Submission Upload via AE2 Essay link on FLO.

• Word files only (.doc or .docx)

• Clearly label your file with your name, student number, and assignment number, for example: JDawson_123456_AE2 Essay Referencing APA 7th edition referencing style is to be used for all in-text citations and reference lists.

• Ensure all statements of fact, research findings, definitions, and data are adequately referenced

• Direct quotes must be properly formatted and referenced (encased in quotation marks and a page number included) APA 7th edition referencing guidelines and examples can be found in the Assessment resources folder on the topic FLO site HLTH1012 Indigenous Health for Health Sciences 2021 AE2: Essay 3 Additional resources A range of additional writing guides, resources, and information can be found on the Flinders University Writing Resources page. A selection of these resources has also been made available in the Assessment Resources folder on the HLTH1012 topic FLO site.

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