You have to read the Gold- Cinema (GC) case study below and write a report to answer the
1. The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) identifies all the activities required to build, launch,
and maintain an information system. Discuss the six core processes of the SDLC required to
develop the GC project.
2. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) description supported with a table for the GC
project explaining the ID, description, and duration for each task.
3. Develop PERT/CPM chart explaining the early and late start for each task. Identify the critical
path and the total time to finish the project.
4. Use the information in Table 1, calculate the net present value, the payback period, and the
return on investment by using a discount rate of 6 percent. The development costs for the
project were $15,000. Do a five-year return on investment.
5. Develop a use case diagram which models the actors in GC system.

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