BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning – Assessment 1 LASTUPDATED: May 2016, Version No. 1

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Assessment 01: Research planning requirements; Develop and Implement human resource strategic plan (Project)


Submission details

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement

must be approved in writing by your trainer.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below

for details.

You must submit both soft copies and printed copies of your answers.

Soft copies-

Upload on the eLearning to the specific submission folder with a cover page clearly indicating your

name, student id, assessment no and the unit name or put those information in the header and

footer of your documents.

Printed copies-

Submit to your Trainer with the “Assessment Cover Sheet” (Filled out and signed appropriately)

attached on top of your documents.










BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning – Assessment 1 LASTUPDATED: May 2016, Version No. 1

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Assessment description

This Assessment will verify the skills and knowledge of the learners to required to develop, implement and maintain a strategic approach to managing human resources in an organisation ensuring that the organisation has the structure and staff to meet current and foreseeable business and performance objectives.

This assessment requires observation / practical demonstration which can be done either in a simulated work environment set by the trainer or in a real workplace environment. Third party evidence must be provided if the observation / demonstration has been done in student’s real workplace environment. Please refer to Observation/Demonstration Checklist and Third Party Checklist & Evidence provided for this assessment.


This is a group assessment.

Identify a workgroup in your organisation or simulated work environment, agreed to and arranged with your assessor and answer the tasks given below –



Activity 1A

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse strategic plans to determine human resource strategic direction, objectives and targets.

Activity Why is it important to have a human resources (HR) strategic plan? What information do you need in order to determine the HR strategic plan? Why is it important to have clear and specific HR strategic objectives?




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Give an example of a clear and specific HR strategic objective.

Activity 1B

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to undertake additional environmental analysis to identify emerging practices and trends that may impact on human resources management in the organisation.

Activity Why is it important to undertake additional environmental analysis when developing the HR strategic plan?

Identify an organisation with which you are familiar. This may be your own organisation or another that you and the group are familiar with. Conduct a short PESTLE analysis, identifying at least five relevant factors in each of the PESTLE categories.




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Activity 1C

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify future labour needs, skill requirements and options for sourcing labour supply.

Activity What are the key questions you need to consider when assessing the organisation’s future labour needs?


What are the possible sources of labour supply?




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Activity 1D

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to consider new technology and its impact on job roles and job design.

Activity What potential impact could new technology have on job roles and job design?













Think about a technological change that has taken place in your organisation or sector in the past. From an HR strategic planning point of view, what worked well and what were the lessons learned from this experience? How does this inform your current strategic planning activity?












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Activity 1E

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements.

Activity Identify a forthcoming change in employment legislation. What are the implications of this for an organisation?




BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning – Assessment 1 LASTUPDATED: May 2016, Version No. 1

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