Focus on the key drivers and major impacts discussed in the academic
literature within the last 10 years.
You can, but are not required to, focus your research on the countries that
are the focus for assignment 2 (Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea).
Preparation: Read the assigned readings for Weeks 1 – 6, which provide a theoretical
background and insights into globalization, economic development and
associated relevant aspects. Furthermore, conduct your research on relevant
academic journal articles as per the instructions above.
Presentation: Assignments are to be typed, with one and a half line spacing, and be in 12-
point font. The maximum word limit is 3,000 words.
Choice and relevance of the academic journal articles; do they provide a
range of views from credible sources?
Brief summary of the focus and key findings; what is the paper/research
about and what did they find?
Brief evaluation of the relevance of each source with regards to the focus of
this assignment; does it address key drivers and/or major impacts?
Overall presentation, spelling and grammar, referencing, and readability.
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