The assignment requires you to develop a business report containing your analysis of the IT governance issues evident in the assessment case study. Your analysis should be based on how the principles found the standard AS ISO/IEC 38500:2016 are relevant to the case.
1. You should first read the Information Systems Audit Report 2019 published by the Western Australian Auditor-General. You will discover details using this link in.
The audit report is divided into two main sections. You are interested in the second section which is entitled ‘General computer controls and capability assessments’. This is a regular audit of IT operations in the state government. As such, these audits reveal the prevailing character of IT governance. View those details as starting point which you can enrich with further research.
2. Next, you should familiarise yourself with the ICT governance standard AS ISO/IEC 38500:2016. The standard outlines a series of principles that should be applied when seeking satisfactory governance outcomes. This link n takes you to the standard.
Assignment challenge
3. Assignment scenario
Assume that you’ve been assigned as a consultant to advise the government if the application of the standard’s principles can significantly improve project ICT success and governance outcomes. Assume that the government has yet to adopt an IT governance standard. Your assessment task is to write a business report concerning the applicability of this governance standard.
Ideally, your report’s content will include the following discussions:
• Extent that the six principles contained in ISO/IEC 38500: 2016 appear to guide IT governance practice in WA’s government agencies; • Consideration of how the standard’s principles could be applied effectively in such a situation to produce better governance outcomes; • Final recommendation concerning the suitability and feasibility of applying this governance standard.

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