A trust receives $100,000 in eligible dividends. This is the trust’s only income for the current year. The only beneficiary of the trust is the settlor’s 32 year old son. The son has no income other than that provided by the trust and no tax credits other than his basic personal credit and credits related to any trust income. Ignoring any alternative minimum tax implications, determine the Taxable Income and federal Tax Payable for both the trust and beneficiary under the following alternative assumptions: A. The trust is a graduated rate estate and it distributes all of the dividends to the beneficiary. Assume that the TOSI would not be applicable to the dividends received by the settlor’s son. B. The trust is a graduated rate estate and it does not distribute any of the dividends to the beneficiary. C. The trust is an inter vivos trust and does not distribute any of the dividends to the beneficiary.

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