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“Our Pound” is an organisation that rescues surrendered animals, lost animals, and on-death-row animals from other pounds. The organisation specializes in saving cats and dogs. Since their establishment, they maintained their administration using paper-based system. They keep information about all the cats and dogs they have been cared for. They also keep information about their clients, who have adopted their animals. Some clients adopt cats and dogs more than once. And unfortunately, few cats and dogs have to go through the pound more than once for several reasons, such as the client was becoming unavailable, the animal “clashed” with other family members, to name a few. This year Victorian government introduced an excellent regulation to remove the holding time of animals in pounds. Even though it is an excellent movement, the regulation creates problems since the number of animals has exceeded the capacity of several big pounds such as RSPCA, Lost Dogs Home, etc. Many animals have now been transferred to smaller pounds such as “Our Pound”. They cannot manage the administration using a simple paper-based system anymore. They want a simple database that can maintain this simple task. Your job is to design and implement a small information system, which will help the pound to store information of their current and past animals in their care. It includes the information about the name, breed, type (Small Size Dog (SSD), Medium Size Dog (MSD), Large Size Dog (LSD), Shorthair Cat (SHC), and Longhair Cat (LHC)), description, color, weight, and the date they are brought into “Our Pound”. The system should also keep the information about the clients who have adopted animals from the pound. For every adoption transaction, the adoption date should also be recorded. In addition, your other job is to design a summary annual report for adoption. The report should list the number of animals adopted in each municipality and suburb, ordered alphabetically by the municipality and suburb name. The animals listed should be grouped based on 5 types of animals stored in your database. For each municipality, the total number of adopted animals for each type should be shown. Finally, at the bottom of the report should be the same statistics for the whole Victoria. Assumptions • Assume that if an animal is returned to the pound by a client, the system will not generate a new animal ID, instead it uses the old animal id. • Assume at the moment you can only deal with clients living in Victoria. • Any other assumptions should be stated clearly

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