1. Design and draw a state diagram of the Dinning67 to clearly show different states
of the restaurant and the events changing the states. You shall also complete the state
transition table associated to your state diagram. The state name and event name must
be meaningful. (10 marks)
2. Design and create a colored Petri Net with the CPN Tool to show the dynamic
behaviour of the restaurant. You shall define the colored Petri Net with the
mathematical representation first, i.e., clearly specify the content of C = (P, T, I, O),
the initial marking µ, and the color set for all tokens. Then you shall use the CPN
Tool to simulate the execution of your CPN. (10 marks)
3. Complete the full schemas for the above four operations. These operations shall
receive input amounts, and send appropriate output messages. In each requested
operation, your solution shall cover both the successful and abnormal scenarios.
Your schemas shall also include the necessary definitions of all data types, variables,
and the initial state (schema) used by all operational schemas. (10 marks)
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