Consider you are creating a company of your own. Give a name to your company. Assume your company has three different products on which you can later apply mass customization strategy. The products have one-season demand every year, thus you need to apply the newsvendor model.

1. Specify what product or service you are providing, and what market segment you are serving.
2. Describe your operations strategy following the procedure of Slide 6: “Operations Strategy”
3. Describe your current process strategy considering strategic fit.
4. Describe your plan of quality management for your company.
5. Assume a mean and a standard deviation of your products’ demand.
6. Determine the optimal order quantity using the newsvendor model.
7. Estimate the expected revenue, profit, and mismatch cost of two products.
8. Describe how to apply push-pull and mass customization strategy on your company.
9. Estimate the improved profit, revenue and the mismatch cost using the push-pull and mass customization strategy.

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