In a 2–3-page paper, complete the second part of the school, district, or organization systemic improvement plan. This section should include specific leadership activities for at least three groups of stakeholders that will need to be engaged, communicated with, and provided training opportunities. Specifically, identify those leadership activities, the stakeholders for the specific action, and why those activities are essential to the plan.


1- Includes a detailed description of specific leadership activities for at least three groups of stakeholders
2- Describe who the stakeholders are for each activity and what the intended impact of those activities are for each group of stakeholders
3- Provides at least three examples of why those activities are essential for the plan’s success
4- The summary included with UNIVERISTY core value community connection identified
5- Demonstrates graduate writing conventions, APA styles, and format.

University Core Value: Community

University develops hospitable Christian learning communities by fostering a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, learn, change, and serve.

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