Herding the Patient

Bayside General Hospital is trying to streamline its operations. A problem-solving group consisting of a nurse, a technician, a doctor, an administrator, and a patient is examining outpatient procedures in an effort to speed up the process and make it more cost-effective. Listed here are the steps that a typical patient follows for diagnostic imaging:

  • Patient enters main hospital entrance.
  • Patient takes a number and waits to be called to registration desk.
  • Patient registers.
  • Patient is taken to diagnostic imaging department.
  • Patient registers at diagnostic imaging reception.
  • Patient sits in department waiting area until dressing area clears.
  • Patient changes in dressing area.
  • Patient waits in dressing area.
  • Patient is taken to exam room.
  • Exam is performed.
  • Patient is taken to dressing area.
  • Patient dresses.
  • Patient leaves.
  1. 1. Create a service blueprint of the procedure and identify opportunities for improvement.
  2. 2. Describe what elements of a service scape would make this service more palatable to the customer and efficient for the hospital staff.

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