Herding the Patient

Bayside General Hospital is trying to streamline its operations. A problem-solving group consisting of a nurse, a technician, a doctor, an administrator, and a patient is examining outpatient procedures in an effort to speed up the process and make it more cost-effective. Listed here are the steps that a typical patient follows for diagnostic imaging:

  • Patient enters main hospital entrance.
  • Patient takes a number and waits to be called to registration desk.
  • Patient registers.
  • Patient is taken to diagnostic imaging department.
  • Patient registers at diagnostic imaging reception.
  • Patient sits in department waiting area until dressing area clears.
  • Patient changes in dressing area.
  • Patient waits in dressing area.
  • Patient is taken to exam room.
  • Exam is performed.
  • Patient is taken to dressing area.
  • Patient dresses.
  • Patient leaves.
  1. 1. Create a service blueprint of the procedure and identify opportunities for improvement.
  2. 2. Describe what elements of a service scape would make this service more palatable to the customer and efficient for the hospital staff.

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In this assessment, you are required to form groups of two to four students and present a topic regarding microservice architecture in class. Group formation, registration, and administration guidelines can be found below. Your presentation topic can be related to any Module topics, but you must add a substantially different body of new material to the class material already available in Blackboard. In doing so, you will need to carry out research and extend beyond what has been discussed in in class. For example, MIS603 Assessment Three Page 2 of 7 Module 3.2 discussed RESTful APIs as a way to integrate microservices. You may either present other ways microservices can be integrated, or you may demonstrate the implementation of a RESTful API. Here is a list of suggested topics for you to consider: ? Principle of microservices– modelling around business domain; ? Principle of microservices – decentralise all the things; ? Principle of microservices – isolate failure; ? Principle of microservices – [any other principle of microservices you would like to discuss] ? Principle of service modelling ? Comparison of monolithic architecture with microservice architecture ? Challenges in splitting the monolith ? Advantages of microservices ? Disadvantages of microservices ? Synchronous microservice architecture ? Asynchronous mircroservice architecture ? Comparison of synchronous with asynchronous microservice architecture ? Microservice integration ? Microservice deployment

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