CO1 -Understand the nature and role of marketing public relations
CO3 -Understand the importance of targeting marketing communications to specific groups.
CO4 -Describe the factors that promote effective, creative, and sticky advertising
CO5 -Describe the major factors used in segmenting target audiences for media planning purposes.
g. Instruction : Choose two video ads that are available for viewing on the Internet. Analyze the ad in a similar manner to Assignment 1. In your analysis,
specifically address the following:
1. Introduction – state the name of the product, the company, and provide link to ad.
2. Brand Name – is there anything in the brand name designed to influence the consumer?
3. Visual Impact – what is the first thing that grabbed you in the ad – what influence does it have?
4. Theme – explain what the general theme of the ad is.
5. Slogan – is a slogan used in the ad, if so what is it and what effect does it have?
6. Visuals – how do the background visuals contribute to the theme of the ad, the image the ad is
trying to project, what associations are being suggested?
7. Use of Colour – does color play an important role in the ad, is it used effectively, how does it
influence to viewer?
8. Use of Language – does the ad use techniques using language to influence the consumer?
9. Psychological appeal or emotional appeal – what emotions are being appealed? What
psychological needs are being appealed to?
10. Audience – Who is the ad being aimed at? Age group, Income level, occupational group?
11. Effectiveness – Rate the ad for its effectiveness. Did you find the ad interesting, informative,
memorable, stupid, insulting?
Provide the URL for your advertisements, so that they can be viewed.
All your assignments will be judged on your creativity, your writing abilities, and your ability to
communicate and organize your ideas effectively. It is recommended that you take the
appropriate measures to avoid mistakes. Plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud are
taken very seriously in MSU, or at least ME! So avoid plagiarism. Paraphrased passages must
be written in your own words and clearly cited.
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