1. Describe the main criteria used to classify economies.
  2. Select two countries on Figure 4.1 identifying GDP per person and research the local economy. Are your findings consistent with what you would expect based on the country rankings? What is the human development ranking for each country? In your opinion, are these rankings consistent with the GDP rankings?
  3. Describe the main characteristics of emerging-market economies. Select one emerging-market country. Utilize a combination of the World Factbook at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/xx.html and the human development index (HDI) at http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/, and formulate an opinion of why you think the country is an emerging country. Identify its per capita GDP and HDI ranking to assess its level of development.
  4. Define WTO. In what ways do you think the WTO is still essential to global trade? Discuss how a private-sector firm would use the WTO to protect its business interests. What are two ways that regional economic integration can help global companies?
  5. GE makes aviation, transportation, renewable energy, and power. Research GE and its product range on its website.  (Links to an external site.)(Look at the GE Businesses tab) – choose two industries and explain a little bit about what products it provides.
  6.  (Links to an external site.)Do you think a company like GE prefers conflict zones or peaceful countries? What issues do you think senior management has to consider when reviewing the company’s operations in Angola? Use what you learned in the Ethics in Action sidebar on Angola and research the country’s civil war. Visit GE’s Angola website at http://www.ge.com/ao/ (Links to an external site.) to obtain more information on the company’s in-country operations.

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