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Research the Internet for an article that describes an organization whose perimeter security failed. Assess the damages and outcome of the situation and those responsible for the security breach. Also take note if the organization was using an internal or external agency. Please respond to the following


  1. From the e-Activity, determine whether the breach could have been avoided without additional funds or technology. Explain why or why not.
  2. Describe one issue not mentioned in the textbook when using contracted security at an organization. Then, describe one issue not mentioned in the textbook when using proprietary security at an organization.
  1. The textbook describes an array of threats to information. Select the threat you believe is the most severe and explain the reasons for your belief. (Physical Threats to Information, human error, malicious acts, hardware and system failures, misuse of networks, malicious attacks on networks, attacks on websites


  1. Describe the preventive measures needed to secure your selected threat from occurring and the monetary cost associated with those measures.





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