a. Outline the internal organization of the hard disk storage medium using the terms cylinder head, track and
sector. (5 Marks)
b. Describe instruction pipelining. Explain clearly the performance advantage expected of a four stage
pipelined instruction unit over a non pipelined unit. (5 Marks)
c. Explain the benefits of using the SCSI disk interface system (as compared to IDE/ATA) for PC based
server system. (5 Marks)
d. Super scalar architecture is said to attempt to exploit instruction level parallelism while vector processing
attempts to exploit data processing. Explain. (5 Marks)









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Assignment: Change Management and Conflict Resolution Scenario As the lead consultant for Workplace Solutions Consulting, you are the one to deliver recommendations for organizational change to the management of Informational Systems. Some of the ideas involve centralizing some duplicated administration functions in regional locations and others involve de-centralizing product departments to break down silo walls across locations. You collected significant data in order to conduct the best analysis. The bottom line: although all of these changes are for the better for organization, they will be quite disruptive to the personnel at IS. Your Task Part I You used the data you collected in order to arrive at the most-informed decisions possible regarding changes to the organization. What steps would you follow and what information would you collect to ensure sound data-driven decisions? Part II It is now time to execute the reorganization of Informational Systems. Describe how you would implement the following: 1. The centralization of Finance and HR (no jobs lost, but increased specialization and responsibility). 2. The de-centralization of the heretofore separate product departments (break up of existing teams, reforming new teams, and new reporting relationships).

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