Assessment – PowerPoint presentation with narration

Addresses learning outcomes:

Addresses learning outcomes:

1. Actively identify and moderate the impact of bias and stigma on therapeutic use of self

2. Describe and discuss the interplay of personal and professional values to enable the experience of engaging in therapeutic relationships with consumers, family, peers and community

Assessment details:

Students are required to create a poster presentation using the PowerPoint platform with five (5) minutes of narration that will be electronically submitted to Canvas. Please include an image within your presentation that represents a bias/stigma that could negatively affect the therapeutic relationship between the healthcare consumer and healthcare professional. Explain the relevance of the image in relation to the ‘therapeutic use of self’. This discussion should be supported by outlining interpersonal and communication strategies that the healthcare professional may use to reduce the influence of bias/stigma in the therapeutic relationship. Please consider contemporary communication, relational and other theory relevant to therapeutic engagement to support your discussion.

· Your poster may include text to support your image with any images or text including the appropriate reference sources.

· Utilise the PowerPoint platform with a single slide used as your poster

· Include five (5) minutes of narration (4-6 minutes)

· Your poster should include at least five (5) academic references to support your assessment using APA 7th edition referencing style – the reference list should be presented as a second slide in your submitted presentation or as an additional document uploaded into the assignment dropbox

· Addresses bias/stigma

that may negatively affect the therapeutic relationship between the healthcare consumer and healthcare professional and links this discussion to the chosen image.

Excellent overview of the bias/stigma that may negatively affect the therapeutic relationship between the healthcare consumer and healthcare professional. Student provides insightful and sophisticated links between their chosen image and their key discussion points.


· This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAddresses the relevance of chosen image to the ‘therapeutic use of self’

Excellent overview of the relevance of chosen image to the ‘therapeutic use of self’.


· Outlines interpersonal and communication strategies that the healthcare professional may use to reduce the influence of bias/stigma in the therapeutic relationship

Student thoughtfully considers interpersonal and communication strategies that the healthcare professional may use to reduce the influence of bias/stigma in the therapeutic relationship.


· Design and presentation

Use of PowerPoint platform to present a single slide ‘poster’.
Narration is clear and is delivered in five (5) minutes (4-6 minutes).
Clear presentation of poster information with consideration given to graphic design including use of colour, fonts and imagery.
Follows conventional academic approach including – academic language, grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax in both the written and narrated components

Excellent standard of academic writing with correct grammar, writing, spelling and syntax. Excellent structure and articulation of ideas within the assessment that reflects assessment instructions. Excellent use of graphic design to support the presentation

· References

Utilised and appropriately referenced at least five (5) sources using the APA 7th edition referencing style.
Key elements identified in the PowerPoint poster and narrated content are supported by evidence from high-quality sources


Excellent use of literature to support this assessment. This includes high-quality peer-reviewed sources. References and reference list adheres to APA 7th edition referencing with no errors or unsupported claims in the assessment

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