Assessment Two Hazard Research Paper – Report Style 45% 2700 Words


This assessment gives you the opportunity to investigate an aspect of WHS in depth from a human resources management perspective.

Students will be able to:

demonstrate the ability to apply contemporary methods and concepts in the identification and assessment of complex hazards and the assessment of risk
demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate control measures and management activities to eliminate or control complex hazards
demonstrate the ability to systematically implement control measures using human resources management principles
demonstrate the ability to apply injury management principles to a workplace injury
demonstrate advanced skills in research and report writing

Specific requirements

Select a workplace or industry, ideally one you can access or an organisation of which you have some knowledge. You should take care not to identify any organisations or individuals.

Your task is to report on ONE emerging or complex issue taught in this course (you must draw your information from the topics presented in weeks 7 to 10) and provide a report on how you would recommend that risk be systematically managed. You should choose a workplace (de-identified) where this issue poses a risk to the workforce.

  1. Review the literatureto describe the nature and impact of your chosen issue in the workplace. You may use government resources, legal sources and other journal based literature for your review (10 marks)
  2. Explain how you would determine the magnitude of the risk and who is is exposed and how they are exposed (i.e. you must work through a process by which to identify and assess the risks), make sure you include consultation (5 marks)
  3. Identify control measures in accordance with the ‘hierarchy of controls’ and ‘as low as reasonably practical’ concepts (10 marks)
  4. Determine and describe TWO management activities for effectively implementing these control measures (so that the control measures are systematic and sustainable) (10 marks)
  5. Describe what injury management considerationsare relevant to this issue. (5 marks)
  6. Presentation, report format* with suitable, accurate and adequate referencing (5 marks)

You must provide a reference list of at least 10 references. You must use the Harvard/UniSA style and reference all sources.

Word limit rules apply, you will be penalised for word limit 10% over or under. Word limit excludes title page, contents page and references.

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