Requirements: Assignments must be submitted with a signed cover sheet. They must also follow the report format, including all of the necessary preliminary components (title page, table of contents, executive summary). All assignments MUST be submitted with either size 11 or 12 font, and with double spacing. Estimated return date: Two Weeks after Submission Hurdle requirements: Students must achieve at least 20% in this assessment. This assessment relates to learning outcome 3: “Demonstrate an understanding of the role of entry mode choice and other strategic issues in order to succeed in international business.” Select a medium to large sized Australian organisation and write a report providing recommendations on how this organisation should take its products/services to the international market – focusing on a country (one country). Your recommendation should cover all areas discussed during the course, be based on sound logic and supported by academic research. Students should discuss the selection of the Australian business and target country with your lecturer and get approval prior to working on this assessment.

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