There are 2 Parts in Assignment

1)Report of 2500 words2)Poster presentation
Introduction: This assessment asks you to draw on your learnings from the unit covering all main topics, applying theoretical concept, and ultimately communicate these in the form of a report. The unit intended learning outcomes (ILO) that relate to this assessment task are:1.Demonstrate a critical understanding of operations and quality management and strategyboth in theory and in practice2.Demonstrate and define the key theoretical and practice issues, decisions and processesinvolved in managing manufacturing and service transformations3.Analyse and critically address complex issues in contemporary operations and qualitymanagement practice4.Apply theoretical knowledge to an applied research project using operations managementtheoryMain assignment: This assignment assesses your knowledge about operations management (OM)anditsimplementation. Choose a new product/servicetointroduceintothe market. It is important tomention that this is not a historical analysis of an existing product/company. Also, there should be alevel of innovation. The objectiveis to develop a comprehensive OM managementplancoveringthefollowing topics in the context of your new product/service: 1.Define the operational performance objectives your firm wants to compete with: There mustbe consistency between your operationalperformance objectives and your OM plan. Also,how do you plan to measure them? Picture source: design: Describe the different stages associated with your (new)productdesign. 3.Process strategy and layout design: What(manufacturing)processstrategyand layoutoptionsare more relevant for your product/service and why? Proposea process layout including important indicators such as cycle time and number of stages (show briefly how the indicatorswere obtained). Draw your layout.4.Capacity and planning: How will you measure capacity, andwhat capacity strategy is more appropriate and why?5.Inventory management: What inventory management strategy is more appropriate and why?6.Quality management: What is your quality management strategy? 7.Supply chain management (SCM): What is an appropriate SCM strategy and why? 8.Sustainable operations: What operational strategy can you implement that contributes directlyto sustainable outcomes and how would you measure it?Explain each of the topicsaboveanddescribehowthese canbe implemented for your product/service. For this, aliterature review is required, including academicmaterialto provide justificationto why each topicis relevant for your product. For further information on the assessmentcriteria, please refer to the Rubric for Assignment 3 in Canvas. Report guidelines:-Use Times New Roman 12-point font and 1.5-line spacing -Use the MS Word default margin (Normal)-Expected structure and contents are:•Title page•Table of contents •Introduction– description oftheproduct selected, justification of selection, and howOM can contribute to its success.•OM plan includingall relevant topic and literature review (8 topics above)•Conclusion•References•Appendices-*Please, use headlines to separate sections-Word count: 2.500 words (The word count does not include cover page, table of contents, tables, graphics, references or appendices). ReferencingPlease reread the section on referencing in the UnitOutline. You must use HarvardSwinburnestylethroughout your assessment and include an accurate reference list.
Picture source: University of TechnologySCM60001 Operations ManagementSemester 2, 2021Sample poster:IntroductionThis assessment asks you to draw on your learnings from the unit covering all main topics, applyingtheoretical concept,and ultimately communicate these in the form of anarratedand filmedpr esentation. The unit intended learning outcomes (ILO) that relate to this assessment task are:1.Demonstrate a critical understanding of operations and quality management and strategyboth in theory and in practice2.Demonstrate and define the key theoretical and practice issues, decisions and processesinvolved in managing manufacturing and service transformations3.Analyse and critically address complex issues in contemporary operations and qualitymanagement practiceAssessment Title: Assignment 2 Assessment Weighting: 15% in total Due Dates: End of week 8 Sunday @11.59 pmA narrated presentation – Maximum length 10 minutesAssessment Type:IndividualPicture source: theoretical knowledge to an applied research project using operations managementtheoryPoster presentation (15% of the total mark)Theposter presentation is a way to communicate your understanding of OM in a short and conciseformat.This assignment is related to Assignment 3. Specifically,Assignment 3 is acomplex OM projectthat requires the integration of all topics, and this presentation will show how all topics areunderstood and integrated in the context of anew product/service. Furthermore, this presentation willprovide timely feedback for students to be incorporated inAssignment 3. It is important to mention that this isnarrated,filmed, and time-limited presentation. The following are aspects required in your presentation:•A brief explanation and justification ofyour new product/service. Why is new about thisproduct/service? •An explanationof how the different OM topics integrate to one another in the context of yournew product/service.•You can use PPT: the record slide showoption(under slide showin the tool bar)•The organisation of the presentation, the visual appeal of the presentation,and the listeningappeal of the presentation. When proposing your OM poster, you are likely to refer to teaching and learning literature.You should provide a reference list – using the Swinburne Harvard style – on one of your slides.However, you do not need to present it.

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