Project Two Requirements:
This week’s reading material we are exposed to the Strategic Management concept of Entrepreneurial Leadership (reference textbook and/or Lecture for basic definitional details). With this learning concept in mind your assignment requirements are as follows:
1. Define the concept of Entrepreneurial Leadership,
List and explain at least five (5) characteristics exhibited by modern Entrepreneurial Leaders,
2. Illustrate how these leaders apply each of these (5) characteristics you listed in motivating their Company employees perform the strategic activities shown here:
i. process of continuous innovation creation,
ii. following a long-term vision, even if ambiguous,
iii. quick adaptability to change, even if specifications of change are limited and ambiguous,
iv. willingness to explore and take chances to fail, even when facing great conditions of uncertainty and limited cash flow,
3. Use the University’s Online Library and citeat least (3) research publications to support your definitions and/or your explanations as required above.