Chapter Three provides coverage of three of the four major functions of management, categorized as follows:




Leading.Leading is a function of management when considered as the process of influencing others in an organization to act in a certain manner. However, in the broader sense, if leadership is considered a transformative act, it is considered as its own discipline, separate from the functions of management.

Thus, Chapter Four will deal with the important issue of leadership.Planning, the first function considered, includes the basic planning process, the issue of effectiveness and efficiency, goal setting, the role of strategic planning, and operational planning. The second function, Controlling, includes types of controls, control systems and tools, managerial control processes (employee, financial, operations), and measurement tools and metrics. Finally, the function of organizing is discussed. Essential topics in this function include organizational structuring and approaches, systems thinking, corporate governance, and current issues impacting managers.Chapter Four provides an introduction to leadership as a discipline separate from management, which is categorized as follows:

The nature of leadership.

Leadership styles.

The theoretical basis.Topical coverage for the nature of leadership includes vision, power, and ethics. Styles include the classical concepts of autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. The theoretical basis includes trait and behavioral theories, models, transformational leadership, and concludes with a description of Collins’ Good to Great concepts.

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