Data Analysis with your photos:

I want to start planning how to organize, clean, and reduce the data. The mean subject that I choose is “bullying in school “ in 300 words by using APA format guidelines and references at the bottom of the 300 words

The photographs that you are receiving from your participants constitute your data. This is the time to examine the photographs for selection, for looking at emerging themes and the story. Organizing, cleaning, and reducing data is important since you may not be able to include all the photographs. Discuss with your participant which photographs they would want to include and collaboratively plan the selection, organization, cleaning, and reduction process. Remember to address how the data will be securely stored. Based on the readings this week discuss your informal data analysis strategy. Provide a synopsis of your data analysis plan (you will elaborate on this narrative in the Final Project submission) but add at least one example of how you are creating the narrative with your participants.

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