You will work on the Unit 1 project during the unit and submit it by the end of the unit. You are a data analyst for a large technology company. You are asked by your boss to analyze the following data set and summarize the results for him. For the Unit 1 project, you must use Excel to complete the following tasks using the file, Unit 1 Project Data Set:
Part a – For each variable in the file, state whether it is Numeric/Discrete, Numeric/Continuous, Categorical/Nominal, or Categorical/Ordinal.
Part b – Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for annual salary and age. Based on these values for each variable, is the distribution of the data for annual salary and age symmetric or skewed (positive or negative)?
Part c – Create two histograms, one for annual salary and one for age. Do these distributions appear to be symmetric or skewed (positive or negative)? For both annual salary and age, does the shape of the distribution confirm what you concluded in part b regarding symmetric versus skewed?
Part d – Create a scatterplot of age (x-axis) and annual salary (y-axis). Display the least squares regression line (in Excel, Linear Trend Line) on the chart. Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Based on the value of the correlation coefficient, what is the strength of the relationship (weak, moderate, strong, or very strong)?
Part e – Create a boxplot of Prior experience and Beta experience (side by side). What do these boxplots tell you about these two types of experience?
Part f – Create a bar chart for average annual salary by level of education (by creating a pivot table and pivot chart). Create a frequency chart for education level (using a pivot table/pivot chart). What is the highest and lowest paying education levels? What is the most frequently occurring education level? What is the least frequently occurring education level?
Part g – This table contains the descriptive statistics for customer service times in minutes for the local coffee shop. Are the empirical rules applicable in this case? If so, apply them and interpret your results. If not, explain why the empirical rules are not applicable here.
Count | 50 |
Mean | 0.632 |
Median | 0.623 |
Standard deviation | 0.302 |
Minimum | 0.077 |
Maximum | 1.108 |
Variance | 0.187 |
Skewness | -0.003 |
You must answer the questions asked in the problems, in addition to solving the problems in Excel. You should provide your answers to the questions in textboxes inserted into your Excel file. Make sure to label your answers to the questions, so I can easily identify your final answers. Submit your Excel file by the due date.