Dannie Harvey sued her employer, O. R. Whitaker, for sexual harassment, discrimination, and defamation. Whitaker counterclaimed for libel and slander, requesting 1 million in punitive damages. Both Whitaker and Harvey were insured by Allstate under identical homeowner’s policies. This policy explicitly promised to defend Harvey against the exact claim Whitaker had made against her. Harvey’s Allstate agent, however, told her that she was not covered. Because the agent kept all copies of Harvey’s insurance policies in his office, she took him at his word. She had no choice but to defend against the claim on her own. Whitaker mounted an exceedingly hostile litigation attack, taking 80 depositions. After a year, Allstate agreed to defend Harvey. However, instead of hiring the lawyer who had been representing her, it chose another lawyer who had no expertise in this type of case and was a close friend of Whitaker’s attorney. Harvey’s new lawyer refused to meet her or to attend any depositions. Harvey and Whitaker finally settled. Whitaker had spent 1 million in legal fees, Harvey 169,000, and Allstate 2,513. Does Harvey have a claim against Allstate?

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