This assessment item will enable you to develop critical analysis and solution-focused skills. In this essay you will critically evaluate, with reference to the evidence-based literature, the physical, psychological and social impact of one chronic health condition relevant to your clinical practice.



Select one of the following chronic health conditions a.   Chronic pulmonary disease

  1. Stroke (cerebrovascular disease)
  2. Depression
  3. Hypertension
  4. Type 2 diabetes mellitus


  • – Check with course professor to discuss alternative chronic health conditions.



Using relevant research literature:

  • Introduction – include a discussion of the disease prevalence globally and in your country.
  • Main Body

– Analyse  the  physical,  psychological  and  social  impact  of  the chronic health condition on the individual, family and society.

– .

  • Provide a brief conclusion



It   is   a   requirement   that   you   use   the   Turnitin   software.   Instructions   are provided on Blackboard under Assessments. You can check a draft assignment as guide to  reducing plagiarism and correct any errors. A printed copy of the final Turnitin report must be attached with your assignment submission.



See Criterion Referencing Assessment grid provided on Blackboard


General notes on the assignment

At postgraduate level, you are expected to present your assignment in a scholarly fashion.  It  should  conform  to  the  following  academic  conventions.  Penalties  will

apply if these conventions are not adhered to. Use the following points as a checklist prior to submission:


◊ The assignment cover sheet is attached to the assignment prior to submission

◊ An assessment criteria sheet should be attached for all written assignments

◊ The assignment should be stapled in the top left-hand corner

◊ Please ensure a word count is included on the title page. You may have plus or minus 10% of the designated word count, not including in-text references and the reference list. Word counts above or below the specified number will be penalised

◊ Use size 12 font, Times New Roman or Arial font and double line spacing for all assignments, left and right justify, and ensure margins of 2.5cm on the left, right, top and bottom of the page. Adherence to these conventions ensures readability, and allows adequate space to provide comments on your essay in the body of the work

◊ Include a footer with page numbers “x of y” and a header with your name and student number on all pages

◊ Use a separate page for references. The reference page is not included in the word count

◊ Reference according to APA convention only. Please refer to QUT Cite/Write for these referencing conventions. Marks will be deducted for referencing that does not meet scholarly standards. Students are strongly advised to use the EndNote referencing program and associated instructions, which are downloadable from the QUT website for postgraduate students. This program will ensure exemplary and consistent referencing

◊ Judicious  use  of  headings  is  appreciated  in  this  assignment;  overuse  of headings will be penalised. As a rough guide, this 1500 word assignment should have  no  more  than  6  headings,  including  those  for  the  introduction  and conclusion

◊ Bullet points and numbering are not appropriate in this assessment item

◊ Evidence of the use of information literacy skills in search and retrieval, critical appraisal and synthesis of recent and topical information for justification of argument.  (As  a  general  rule,  postgraduate  work  should  contain  one  new reference per 100 words. So a 1500 word assignment should have a minimum of

15 references).

◊ Please  do  not  include  appendices  in  your  assignments.  You  should  adhere strictly to the word limit. Extra content included in appendices will not be examined.

◊ References  to  abstracts  that  are  not  referenced  as  ‘abstracts  only’  are  not acceptable and will be penalised

◊ Aim  to  use   references  that  are   primarily  peer-reviewed  journal  articles, published within the last five years. Consumer websites, Wikipedia and websites that are not government-based or related to professional organisations are unacceptable. Examples of acceptable websites are those of the National Health and Medical Research Council, the state Departments of Health, and the publications aimed at health professionals from organisations such as Diabetes


Australia, the Heart Foundation, Cancer Council Australia and the Asthma Foundation. The consumer materials published on these websites are not acceptable. If you are unsure whether a reference is acceptable, please email your lecturer for clarification.


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