The following materials may be used as references or any other relevant journal.

  1. Measuring performance and risk a new balanced score card by Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance.
  2. Critical reflections on the good, the bad and the ugly of organization leadership: the case of Wal-Mart.
  3. Exploring Corporate Strategy (by Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington)
  4. Plus three other notable peer journals on the subject of International Business Strategies for success and failure in the Global Market.

Note: At the minimum, six references must be used, including any of those listed above.


Prepare a report that has at the core the Management of People.

  1. i) Critically analyses the challenges that global organisations may encounter in operating a performance management programme across all of their operations (50%)
  2. ii) Critically evaluate how these challenges might be addressed using sound theories (50%)

Work should be underpinned by theory, examples and supported by extensive references (6 references). Students should use the readings (hence reference to the materials at the top, particularly the work of by Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance) and many web sources provided as well as the material to which reference has been made in the lectures. Your own supported synthesis and interpretation should be offered.

Scoring Points:

  • Understand and critically evaluate theories of leadership, motivation and change management and their effective implementation in an international context.
  • Understand and critically evaluate theories of managing diversity and their effective implementation in a cross-cultural context.
  • Promote a professional and ethical approach to organisations

The assessment will be assessed according to these criteria which are reflected in the Assessment Feedback Sheet:

  • Degree of knowledge and understanding of the module subject
  • Ability to develop an argument which is clearly justified and relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Ability to develop an argument which is well structured
  • Breadth and depth of reading from the relevant academic literature
  • Ability to critically synthesise and apply relevant theories and concepts from a range of sources
  • Ability to apply the Harvard referencing system in the correct manner
  • Ability to collect and analyse relevant data
  • Ability to identify and evaluate a range of strategic options relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Degree of originality in generating relevant and justified solutions to the business problem under consideration
  • Professionalism of presentation to include diagrams/charts.

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