
The essay requires you to critically analyse the turnaround of Oroton Group Limited, an Australian leading producer and retailer of luxury leather goods . Drawing from the readings, textbooks and your own research as the basis of your arguments, you will write an essay outlining how might a better application of the third edition of ASX Corporate Governance Principles could potentially turn around the underperforming Oroton Group Limited. In the essay, you must also apply accounting theory and research when making your arguments. The essay must follow the IDEALS framework and use EndNote for referencing using the APA 6th style. You must submit a backup copy of the EndNote file used to develop the article via an iLearn link to your Lecturer by the deadline. There is a strict 2,000-word limit on the essay including the reference list. Lecturers will stop marking any content in excess of 2,000 words and students will receive a 10% penalty from the final grade, e.g. 65% becomes 55%.

A reference list is required and forms part of the word count. Each page must use double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font for body text. Paper size is A4 with page margins being 2.54 cm top and bottom and 2.54 cm left and right. If you disclose information without having it properly referenced you will subject to the academic honesty and plagiarism policy. In line with the University policy and all such cases will be referred to the Faculty Discipline Committee.

Task overview:

The purpose of the individual essay is to allow you to put accounting and corporate governance concepts into practice in a real life setting and allow you to demonstrate your research and writing skills on an individual basis. The assignment and the arguments you develop should help you reflect on your learning and link accounting theory to practice. This is a formative assessment designed to prepare you for the final exam.


No extensions will be granted. Late tasks will be accepted up to 72 hours after the submission deadline with penalties.


There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission – 20% penalty). This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application for special consideration is made and approved. In an approved special consideration case you will be granted a new submission deadline or any other approved replacement assessment.


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