1. Critical Review of a Psychopathological Condition/Disorder: Schizophrenia

For this paper, you will cover the following:

  • (a)  Introduction (e.g., describe the significance of the problem, provide a historical perspective)
  • (b)  Diagnosis (brief summary of how the diagnosis is made, brief description of subtypes, differential diagnosis from similar conditions, difficulties in assessment if relevant)
  • (c)  Epidemiology (i.e., prevalence, age and gender distribution, information on prevalence across different cultures – if available, comorbidity with other disorders)
  • (d)  Etiology (including major genetic, biological, and psychosocial findings)
  • (e)  Course (typical course of the disorder; major predictors of course)
  • (f)  Treatment (major somatic and psychosocial treatments; focus on large 
randomized clinical trials as much as possible)
  • (g)  Discussion (briefly review the major points above; briefly mention any 
controversies; discuss areas for future research)

Guidelines and requirements:

  •  Paper length should be approximately 10 pages (i.e., no shorter than 9 pages and no longer than 11 pages not including the title page, abstract, and reference section).
  •  Double-spaced with 12 point font and standard margins.
  •  Must be in APA format utilizing the most recent version of the APA manual. 
Please adhere carefully and precisely to all APA style rules.
Paper grades will be determined by:
1) Comprehensiveness and relevance of the empirical literature review and critique (including ability to critique the literature)
2) Overall clarity, organization, integration, fluency and quality of writing (e.g., grammar, sentence structure, professional language).
3) Adherence to APA referencing and citation format.






  • (a)  Introduction (e.g., describe the significance of the problem, provide a historical perspective)
  • schizophrenia is a debilitating mental disorder that affects every aspect of a person’s life.
  • About 1% of the US population is affected by this disorder.
  • Early 1900’s, emil kraepelin believed that patients who showed signs of psychotic behavior had dementia praecox which is an early form of dementia.
  • Eugen Bleuler was a Swiss psychiatrist who came up with the word for schizophrenia which means split brain.
  • (b)  Diagnosis (brief summary of how the diagnosis is made, brief description of subtypes, differential diagnosis from similar conditions, difficulties in assessment if relevant)
  • Schizophrenia is diagnosed by meeting at least two of the following “A” criteria that is present in active phase for at least one month. The criteria are Delusions, Hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior and negative symptoms.
  • Similar disorders are delusional disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder.


  • (c)  Epidemiology (i.e., prevalence, age and gender distribution, information on prevalence across different cultures – if available, comorbidity with other disorders)
  • Schizophrenia has a point prevalence of .2% and a life time prevalence of .3%
  • Men and women are equally likely to have schizophrenia, but with men age at onset is earlier than women.
  • Studies have shown that there is no difference in symptoms or prevalence in schizophrenia across different cultures.
  • (d)  Etiology (including major genetic, biological, and psychosocial findings)
  • The main cause of schizophrenia is unknown, but studies have shown there is a correlation with certain factors such as family history of Schizophrenia.
  • Schizophrenia is shown to be hereditable, a first degree family member is 8 times more likely to be diagnosed with Schizophrenia then the average person.
  • (e)  Course (typical course of the disorder; major predictors of course) 
Schizophrenia is a lifelong disorder that gets worse over time.
  • (f)  Treatment (major somatic and psychosocial treatments; focus on large 
randomized clinical trials as much as possible)
  • Schizophrenia is managed by different medications to lower the symptoms. The patent may receive a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
  • Medication is a combination of antidepressant and antipsychotic medications.


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