(A)    Create your program/project “List View Demo”  in Android Studio. (hint: MacLean Book Chapter 4 Figure 4-5)

  1.  “List View Demo” project should have a list view with following items, “Red”, “Orange”, “Yellow”, “Green”, “Blue”, “Indigo”, “Violet”, “Black”, “White”, by clicking a color we show a message to the user.
  2.  add a check box on right side of each color, so we want to select a bunch of names
  3.  add a button to the UI to then act on the subset of selected items, when the button is clicked, we show a message to user

(B)    Run on the Emulator
(C)    Run on a real phone (optional)
(D)    Take screenshot(s) of either (B) or (C)
(E)    Put the screenshots in a Word document. Please have a cover sheet with your name and the name of the assignment. Name the file following naming convention “ENTD322Week4Assignment_First_Last.doc”
(F)    Zip your complete project
(G)   Submit the word document (E) and the zip file  (F) as an attachment.
Note: for turn-ins, your project should be done using Android Studio, not Eclipse.

Rubric for Grading AssignmentMaximum PointsWord document40Java program60

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Shopaway is an independent grocery store that has recently opened. Its manager is Susan Monroe and is concerned that the store is not getting as many customers as it could. She thinks that a particular reasonfor this is the opening hours. Shopaway is only open from 09.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday and from 10.00 to 16.00 on Saturday and Sunday. She is proposing to open the store every day of the week from 06.00 until 23.00. She realises that she will need to find out if the staff would be willing to work such hours, although no worker would be asked to work any longer hours than they do at present as there will be a rota system introduced. She does recognise, however, that the store will need to recruit additional staff. She decides to place a job advertisement in local newspapers. She knows that there are usually quite a lot of such advertisements in the paper and so she plans to make the Shopaway one very distinctive. She also understands that she will need to create an application form to send out to those who express an interest in the job. She thinks it would be a good idea to include a compliments slip to send out with the application form and job description. Susan is aware that the public need to be informed of the extended opening hours and when they will commence. She thinks that a press release would be a good way to communicate this information. Susan believes that another way to attract customers, apart from the longer opening hours, is to advertise price reductions on different items in the store. She thinks it would be a good idea to have a notice board, giving details of these price reductions, but she is not entirely sure where to place such a board

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