Create at least 3 ovals with red, green and blue filling usign the right/correct
technologies/API’s. Do not use images in your solution. Inside each circle, show the
number of times it is dynamically clicked on. If I click the green circle 3 times, it
should show “3” in the center. Each circle should track its own clicks. Have a button
to clear the number of clicks, FOR EACH individual circle. 2. Write an application that determines if what the user types into a textarea is a
palindrome. Have a button that activates your check. See for a good list. If it is correct, dynamically show a
checkmark (find a 15×15 sized checkmark on Google images website.) If not value, show a red “X” images (again, find a 15×15 image from Google images)
3. Add a function to an Array. Then, add “8”, Then, add an empty array. The function
you need to create shall be called “firstOne”. It returns a string that says, “I was
invoked” into the console. You must show it working by creating a small example. In
your working example, have a button that will go through the array, and if the object
in your array is a function, then invoke it. If in debug mode, we should see the
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