1. (True/False) Twitter allows you to make as many calls as you like and as often as you like to its API methods.
2. (Fill-In) With the………………. API, you pass your credentials to Twitter so you can use the other APIs.
3. (True/False) Once you have a Twitter developer account, you must obtain credentials to interact with APIs. To do so, you’ll create an app. Each app has separate credentials.
4. (Fill-In) The consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret are each part of the ……………………..authentication process that Twitter uses to enable access to its APIs.
5. (True/False) JSON is both a human-readable and computer-readable format that makes objects easy to send and receive across the Internet.
6. (True/False) The keyword argument wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True to the tweepy.API call tells Tweepy to terminate the user because of a rate-limit violation.
7. (Fill-In) Authenticating with Twitter via Tweepy involves two steps. First, create an object of the Tweepy module’s ………………..class, passing your API key and API secret key to its constructor.