
**Before doing it, understand page 2 background info for the questions below.**

OBF Chart, Proposal Letter, Estimated Cost, Reflection

3A. The Estimated Cost for the entire event. This is an estimated cost of everything that will be on the group’s hotel master account, based on the expected number of guests. (See Page 2 for information about which types of charges the company is paying for.)

3B. OBF Chart

Create an OBF chart for the Green Organics group, using at least two customer objectives from “Background Information” (page 2 of this document) and features from your hotel/resort.

3C. Proposal Letter. Write a proposal letter to Mark Jenkins (Who you are going to sell) . Use at least two “OBF” paragraphs in theletter, based on the OBF’s in your chart. Use business letter format for the letter. Although this section is at the end of your project, it would have been written long before the BEO’s and the resume, because it is a proposal. Date the letter January 2, 2020.

3D. Reflection. What did you learn from this project? How would you handle it if you had to do it all over again? What did you like least about it? Were there any parts that you particularly enjoyed? Be honest, but write professionally.

Following the background information on page 2, Imagine you are working at mandarin oriental hotel washington dc, selling to Mark Jenkins.

Background info you need to know before you write

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