Assessment 2
Choose one of the 17 UN “sustainable development” goals (here:
and write a 700-word Opinion Editorial that critically analyzes the current status of this goal in relation to challenges with realizing the common good in your professional community locally and especially globally.
First, identify the UN development goal you have chosen, define it and the principle of the common good, and explain how the two relate (and why).
Then describe a local and a global community where you as a (current or future) professional may work (for example, as a nurse you may work in a local hospital in Australia or a global organization such as Me´dicins sans Frontie`res in Nigeria).
Finally, describe the current status of this goal locally and especially globally, and analyze two or three ways in which such status challenges the realization of the common good by adversely affecting the people in the chosen communities.
The instructions for AT2 could be find on this link:

For the definition of common good you can use the below:
By common good is to be understood “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily” [Vatican II Gaudium et Spes].
What are these necessary “social Conditions”?
The three principal social conditions required for the common Good are:
• respect for the dignity of the human person (the primary CST Principle)
• social well-being and development of the group itself (these include the CST Principles of Solidarity, Subsidiarity and Participation)
• peace, that is, the stability and security of a just order (these include the CST Principles of the Promotion of Peace, Preferential Option for the Poor, the Universal Destination of Goods, Stewardship of Creation).
Cf. Catholic Church (2003). The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Paragraphs 1906-1909. Retrieved from
Extended disciption

  • Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a challenge associated with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locallyandglobally.
  • The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue chosen from the list is, and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relates to the discipline area you are studying in.
  • Please note that you do not have to come up with the ‘definitive solution’ for the Op Ed, this may form part of Assessment 3. Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem.
  • The Op-Ed is to be no more than 700 words long.
  • The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly as you can – just like a journalist or writer. The challenge is to present a persuasive argument in a concise manner.
  • Although Op-Eds do not usually require referencing, for this academic work, full referencing is required. References do not count in the word limit. See referencing guidelines on the UNCC300 LEO page (You can find it under Assessment > How do I reference course materials for UNCC units).

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