This week, you have been studying and discussing child-centered learning/curriculum and play as integral building blocks for effective early childhood education programs and practices. For this Blog Assignment, you will have an opportunity to represent your personal childhood connections to play.

Consider yourself as a young child, perhaps 4 or 5, and place yourself in a setting of your choosing, perhaps a wooded area, a small stream, or a sandy beach. Give yourself hours to fill, no responsibilities, and, if you like, a few of your favorite friends. How might you spend your time? What materials would you like to give yourself to assist you in your play? If an adult could gently provide resources or serve as a guide, what would that person’s role be?

By Day 6

Post your play reflection using the following guidelines:

  • Create a space on your blog dedicated to play and title this space, “My Connections to Play.”
  • Select two quotes that you feel summarize what play represented for you in childhood.
  • Include two to three pictures of essential play items for your younger self.
  • Describe how people supported play when you were younger and/or the role of play in your childhood.
  • Write a brief entry on how you feel play today is similar or different from the play in which you engaged as a child and what your hope for young is now with regard to playing.
  • Include your thoughts regarding the role of play throughout your life and/or the role of play throughout childhood and adulthood.

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Your assignment is to read one of these books, identify in it three (3) themes that have been prominent in this course, and discuss how the source you have chosen casts light on the themes you have identified. Sample themes are: the organization of upper-class society, the lives of peasants, the new piety (how to be a good Christian), development of the cult of the Virgin, church reform, the revival of thought, the growth of schools, the rise of towns, opportunities open to and constraints on women, opportunities open to and constraints on men, attitudes towards the Jews. Note four things. First, this list is by no means exhaustive. It is perfectly fine for you to identify and discuss one or more themes which I have not listed. Second, not all themes will be found in each of the three works. Third, if you have any question about whether it would sensible for you to address a particular theme on the basis of a particular work, by all means come talk to me. Fourth, do not choose as one of your themes the psychology of the author(s): the temptation to analyze the relationship between Abelard and Heloise or that between Guibert and his mother is great, but the effort is profitless

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