Create a CORBA client/server application that handles student examination


results as objects of class Result. This class is to have instance variables studID

(holding an individual student's identity number as a Java long) and mark

(holding the student's examination result as an integer 0-100). The former

should be read-only, while the latter should allow read/write access. Have the

server register an object of class ResultFactoryServant with the ORB and have

the client use this factory object to create an array of five Result objects

(supplying the constructor for each with appropriate data). Use a display routine

to display a table of results on the client. Then use the 'set' method for the mark

attribute to change a couple of the marks and re-display the table of results.

(You should be able to use the client and server programs for the StockItem

example as a basis for your application.)

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