Part One

Create a chart to compare and contrast the major legislative influences on the labor relations process. Your chart must contain at least five major legislative acts and how they affect management and unions. Columns should include the law, coverage, major provisions, and federal agencies.

Part Two

Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning a labor law issue. Summarize the case. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site for researching case law. You can also use the CSU library, LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example.

  • What legal principles does the court rely upon in determining the case decision?
  • Be sure to support your response with specific examples.
  • Use one resource from the CSU online library.
  • This homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

There are required resources and citations for this assignment, please be sure to include our reference list on a separate page

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