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Corporate leaders often encounter cynicism from employees when leaders announce that they are presenting a “new” mission or vision statement for the corporation.
Why do you think employees react in this way?
What can leaders do to avoid this skeptical reaction on the part of employees and ensure that the new vision/mission is embraced?
Use examples to support your response.
Changing an organization’s mission or vision statement affects an organizations goals, and when goals change, employees question the change, because often there is a breakdown in communication between the different levels of the workforce of an organization. Vision and mission statements are parts of an organization’s strategic management process, and employees are a significant part of the organization’s strategic objectives, as stakeholders. Cynicism arises, I think because employees aren’t;
Included in the changing process. Senior management decides on strategic goals and objectives, instead of having the whole organization strive toward overall goals.
Given a consistent clear model to copy. Management in any organization has to not just talk about the vision, but they have to live it out for employees to see.
Given the reason why change is occurring. Whether the competition’s conditions change, or the organization faces new threats and opportunities, employees are often not communicated in such a way that they understand clearly, and are guided through the change.
Effective leaders understand that their employees and what they do ties in to the ‘big picture’. To avoid employee cynicism, leaders must communicate how changing the organization’s mission and vision change will align with shaping the future of the organization. Sharing long-term perspectives with employees on a regular basis, will eliminate negative reactions.
Change is inevitable for a business to succeed. However, many employees will often be reluctant to these changes and new ideas. Why? Well I believe it’s because people are reluctant of the outcome to the changes. People are creatures of habit and to ask someone to change it brings about a fear of the unknown. People may develop cynicism or skepticism. Garvin and Roberto (2005) write that a legacy of disappointment and distrust creates an environment in which employees will automatically condemn the next set of managers to be a failure just like the others.
To change around the ideals of the employees, we must devise a plan of action. To change the minds of the employees, managers must show their ideas and how they differ from other failed plans. Notifying the crew that the organization has had this problem for a while and that it is imperative to change for the success of the business is important. There is a four-part communication policy strategy:
· Before announcing the new policy, managers must set the stage for acceptance
· At the time of delivery, managers must create the frame through which information and messages are interpreted
· As the time continues, manage the mood so the emotion state supports follow through
· Lastly, provide reinforcement to ensure that the change is taking flight without backlash