Construction Project: Based on the Constructionarium Field Trip 22nd– 27th March 2015 Bircham Newton, Norfolk.

Submission as follows:

Student going on the field trip MUST attend all the preparation class sessions.


This assignment is worth 70% of the Module and is based around the preparation work for the optional field course at Constructionarium to be held at Bircham Newton, Norfolk between the dates Sunday 22th – 27th March 2015.

See web site for further details.

Constructionarium occupies a 6 hectare site and has been specifically designed and built to provide a range of challenging teaching and learning conditions. There are 17 work areas including a scaled down river, a lake, stabilised flatlands, mountainous terrain, some dodgy areas of porous strata and high ground water so that a wide variety of projects can be constructed and subsequently dismantled.

The Constructionarium is a hands-on construction experience for students and young professionals. It is where students following civil engineering or building courses learn practically to build bridges with industry – their future employers.  The basic model consists of a “triangle” formed by a university, contractor and consultant working in partnership to deliver a new learning experience, which combines the academic perspective with those of the design professional and practical site delivery.

Constructionarium is held as a 6 day working field course. Students will construct scaled down versions of bridges, buildings, dams and civil engineering projects. Students are assessed in terms of budgetary control, programme, method statements, risk assessments, methodology and timely completion.

Constructionarium is held at its permanent site at the National Construction College, which is part of Construction Skills, the Sector Skills Council for Construction, at Bircham Newton, King’s Lynn, Norfolk  PE31 6RH. The college is a former air base and is able to provide accommodation, meals and welfare/recreation facilities at the Training Centre site. With the help a grant from the East of England Development Agency, the site has been upgraded and maintained.

Choice of Project

The project constructed this year is the Kingsgate Bridge based on the real life structure designed by Ova Arup and opened in 1966.  More details can be found on

You will be provided with the working drawings for the project and a risk register – see separate documents.  Full details and drawings are to be located on Moodle EG5111

Individual Report  


  1. a) Preparation Tasks for the Constructionarium

 Whether you attend the field course or not you are required to produce the following documents and a brief commentary on how they were produced and their use for your selected project.

You are required to produce:

1. A descriptive method statement of how the project will be built, including details / diagrams of all temporary works and formwork fabrication required (30 marks);

2. A risk assessment for the significant hazards involved in the project(table)

3. A plant schedule giving the times when specific plant such as mobile cranes, concrete order & delivery, concrete & compaction plant  etc. are required (do not include  hand tool & non-hired minor plant);

4. A clear bar chart programme & network diagram – using MS Project or similar software – for the five-day project indicating the critical activities and the activities with available float (20 marks).

All the documents together with your commentary should be in the region of 1200-1500 words illustrated with your own-labelled diagram.

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