introduction and conclusion is must


one cite must be a book


Choose a product/service (not the same one you are using for the final project (marketing plan). Answer the following questions:

  1. Considering direct, online, social media and mobile marketing options, which 2 options do you feel would be the best to use in relation to the product/service you have chosen? Why?
  2. Describe the options you justified above and outline specific methods you would adopt in using those 2 options. Discuss specific uses, platforms, and messages you would ensure are marketed through these options.
  3. What one strategy could be adopted to create a competitive advantage for that product/service? Provide an analysis of this decision.

(For all dropbox assignments, remember to reference at least 2 sources; one must be the textbook plus one from a website, video, or other source. Use quotes for direct material taken and cite even if paraphrasing. )

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